eSMART BPA-H Power Adapter for eSMART Lithium Battery
$316.00 + gst
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4 power outputs on Hirose compatible connectors switchable 2 by 2
Serial output for optional eSMART BG fuel gauge
2.5A resettable fuses on each output
Battery not included
$316.00 + gst
To enquire about this product - click here
4 power outputs on Hirose compatible connectors switchable 2 by 2
Serial output for optional eSMART BG fuel gauge
2.5A resettable fuses on each output
Battery not included
$316.00 + gst
To enquire about this product - click here
4 power outputs on Hirose compatible connectors switchable 2 by 2
Serial output for optional eSMART BG fuel gauge
2.5A resettable fuses on each output
Battery not included